
Showing 10 of 487 results for group registration

  • From the CE: Putting NZ back on the map in 2022-23

    With relatively low numbers of international students currently in New Zealand, the primary focus for Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) over the 2022-23 year will be on rebuilding the sector. The rebuild will have an emphasis on quality and long-term sustainability. We will be working closely with our key sector partners here and around the world to put New Zealand back on the map.  

    This focus is reflected in the draft refresh of the New Zealand International Education Strategy 2022-30, in our recently published Statement of Intent 2022-26 and Statement of Performance Expectations 2022-23, and in our internal business planning for the year ahead.  

    The high impact global marketing campaign, I AM NEW, launched at NAFSA in late May, provides a strong starting point for the rebuild. As well as raising New Zealand’s profile by attracting significant international media coverage, the campaign has so far reached over 115 million users. This is a unified, overarching promotion on behalf of New Zealand’s international education providers – an essential approach for us to be heard in this extremely competitive sector. We have focussed the promotion on ten partner countries: Brazil, China, Colombia, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, United States, and Viet Nam. The current phase of the campaign includes highlighting individual student stories.  

    Travel to partner countries to support the work of locally based ENZ staff and our NZ Inc agency partners is also an important part of promoting New Zealand’s education. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s visit to Singapore and Japan in April, and Education Minister Chris Hipkins’ travel to the United States, Brazil and Chile in May-June have delivered the clear message that New Zealand is open for business, raised awareness of our quality education offering, and progressed our relationships in these countries. You can read more detailed reports about the trip to North and South America in this month’s E-News, and we’re currently planning our forward schedule of travel to other key partner countries.  

    After discussions with education providers, we have finalised the programme of in-market events where New Zealand will be represented through until the end of 2022, and this is now available on our website here 

    The reopening of New Zealand’s borders has also enabled the Prime Minister’s Scholarships for Asia and Latin America to restart this year, so New Zealanders have the opportunity to learn from international experiences and develop their global citizenship competencies and networks. Decisions were recently announced on the first round of group applications, while applications for individual scholarships are open until 31 August 2022.  

    This month we also formalised a new partnership between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and ENZ that will see ENZ take over operational management of the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme from November 2022. This is an excellent example of ‘NZ Inc.’ cooperation that plays to each agency’s strengths. You can read more about the partnership in this issue of E-News.  

    He ora te whakapiri, he mate te whakatāriri – Unity is strength 

    Grant McPherson 

  • Individual applications for PM’s Scholarships for Asia and Latin America now open

    “Following on from the successful group applications, the Prime Minister’s Scholarships for Asia and Latin America are now open to individual applications, and this is the only opportunity for individuals to apply in 2022,” Grant McPherson, Chief Executive, Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao said.

    These scholarships enable talented New Zealanders who are passionate about supporting local and global communities to add an international dimension to their learning and develop their global citizenship competencies and networks.

    “We welcome diverse applicants from all stages and walks of life - you don't need to be a current student, and you don’t need top grades. We are looking for applicants who can display qualities like cultural awareness, initiative, and confidence. Previous scholarship recipients have come from a wide range of backgrounds and have studied in a range of fields, including environmental science, languages, law, the arts, and business.”

    More than 2,400 Kiwis have benefited from the programme since 2013, contributing to New Zealand’s ability to engage with key partners in Asia and Latin America.

    The Prime Minister's Scholarship is open to New Zealand citizens or permanent residents who are at least 18 years old at the time of application and have been a resident in New Zealand for at least 12 of the previous 24 months.

    Scholarship funding can be used to cover, for example, tuition fees to undertake a course in Asia or Latin America, flights to and from Asia and Latin America, living and accommodation costs, travel and medical insurance and visa fees.

    More information is available on the Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao scholarship website here. Applications close on 31 August 2022.

  • Diversification of International Education sees six innovative projects receive funding

    Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) has today announced the recipients of the International Education Product Innovation Fund.

    Just over $1.6 million in funding has been awarded to six organisations, with support ranging from $200,000 to $300,000 for individual projects over the next 12 months.

    The projects that received funding span a wide range of activity. They include a global course for rugby coaches developed in partnership with The Crusaders, an online indigenous eCommerce programme, English language learning based on original, high quality drama content, global enterprise coaching and peer group learning, an evolution of an NZ financial literacy platform for global audiences, and virtual reality online medical training focused on childbirth simulation.

    Initial response to the Product Innovation Fund saw more than 150 organisations express interest. ENZ designed a rigorous process for submitting and assessing applications, working alongside Creative HQ – a specialist innovation agency. The process involved a clear set of criteria that were communicated to all applicants. A shortlist was prepared, and a final assessment was completed by an independent expert panel comprising external innovation and education experts and senior ENZ staff.

    Commenting on the recipients, ENZ Chief Executive Grant McPherson said the innovation and scope of the applications had been eye-opening.

    “The quality of the entrants was a clear indication of New Zealand ingenuity, market knowledge and cutting-edge innovation,” said Mr McPherson.

    “The sheer variety of fields and technology being utilised shows how advanced the thinking and capability of New Zealand education providers has become. The potential of each of these projects can now be fully explored, and I am confident the lessons learned can be shared for the benefit of our whole education sector, inspiring others to follow their lead.”

    The Product Innovation Fund was launched by ENZ in April to encourage providers to design and develop new education products and services for international learners. It is part of the broader refreshed international education strategy and is intended to fund programmes that deliver new, meaningful, and unique learning experiences from New Zealand with education products and services that set New Zealand apart from other countries.

    Providers will create new products and services aimed at transforming the way international learning is developed, promoted, and delivered. Funding and support from ENZ will help providers fast-track the exploration and development of new ideas, conduct market research, build prototypes, and advance their global market strategy. Lessons learnt from the programme will assist in developing future education products and services for the benefit of the entire international education sector.

    Details of the successful applicants and their projects can be seen here.



    Funding Amount



    BOMA New Zealand


    Chasing Time English


    Te Kaihau Education


    Te Whare Hukahuka


    Virtual Medical Coaching



  • ENZ hosts its first famil since 2019

    Eleven public universities were represented in the Malaysian delegation of senior executives from the Multimedia Technology Enhancement Operations Sdn Bhd (METEOR). METEOR is a consortium of universities that aims to provide advanced solutions through technology. This was an exploratory visit, to enable delegates to discuss a range of opportunities and possible partnerships with New Zealand universities and Te Pūkenga.  

    The visit was exciting on many fronts as our institutions demonstrated their expertise and explored mutually beneficial relationships, regions showcased their attractions, and the famil delegates from Malaysia experienced many aspects of New Zealand. 

    The eight-day visit included Wellington, Canterbury and the Waikato. While the start of the week coincided with a cold southerly storm, this was mitigated by warm hospitality and the promise of sun later in the week.  

    L to r: Lisa Futschek, GM International at ENZ; ENZ’s Chief Executive Grant McPherson; Mr Muhammad Afiq Bin Redzuan, Group Chief Executive Officer at METEOR; and YB Senator Tuan Jaziri Alkaf Abdillah Suffian, after signing an Education Cooperation Agreement.

    The delegation was fortunate to meet with Minister of Education Chris Hipkins during their visit. While in Wellington they also signed an Education Cooperation Agreement with ENZ that provides a framework for our relationship going forward. They also met up with Malaysian students at various institutions and heard about their personal experiences here. 

    The delegation saw trades in action at WELTEC’s trades campus where they observed building apprentices on a block course.

    Famils are important for ENZ as well as for New Zealand institutions, as they establish relationships and strengthen people-to-people links. They are also a key way to showcase some of the best education New Zealand has to offer across different regions.  

    ENZ looks forward to hosting more famils in the coming months, in partnership with institutions and regions throughout New Zealand. 

    You can read more about the METEOR famil on the Ara website here. 

    A Kiwi welcome was on offer at a private bach in Duvauchelle near Akaroa.

  • Reconnecting in Malaysia

    Six of our eight universities participated, along with Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao, connecting with more than 5,200 Malaysian students and parents. This was the first in-person fair we have attended in Malaysia for two years. It was a good opportunity to meet students face-to-face, to discuss a high-quality New Zealand education and what it’s like to live here.  

    New Zealand’s High Commissioner to Malaysia, Pam Dunn, spoke at the opening ceremony and highlighted that many Malaysians who studied in New Zealand have returned home to use their skills and knowledge as experts in their fields – students such as Tan Sri Dr Mazlan Othman. 

    "She was the first Malaysian woman to gain a PhD at Otago University. She then returned home as Malaysia’s first astrophysicist and later pioneered this country’s space programme. 

    “An education in New Zealand empowers Malaysian students with the life skills and confidence to succeed.” 

    Patrick Holden, ENZ’s Director International Market Strategies, was interviewed by the STAR Media Group – see the video here.

  • Important update: passport requirements for temporary visa applicants offshore

    Immigration New Zealand has announced a change to passport requirements that affect a number of temporary visa applicants offshore. This change is in effect now.

    The change means that people applying from offshore for a student, visitor or work temporary visa only need to send Immigration New Zealand a high-quality scan of their passport, not a physical copy.

    An Immigration Officer may still ask for a physical passport if they consider it necessary for the application. This will be on a case-by-case basis.

    This is a temporary measure to help with visa processing. People applying for a student visa or group visitor visa through the Immigration Online form will currently receive an automated letter asking for a physical passport to be submitted. This is not required, and Immigration New Zealand is working to update the letter to reflect the change in requirements.

    Visit Immigration New Zealand to learn more about passport requirements.

  • Study abroad promo in US

    Study Abroad Month, led by our Washington DC-based team, targeted the study advisors at United States universities, who support students with their study abroad plans. A series of videos were published each week and sent to key contacts, including a closing video from Education Minister Chris Hipkins. 

    Lewis Gibson, Field Director North America at Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao, says study abroad students are our main source of international students from the US.  

    “Pre-Covid-19, around 350,000 tertiary students each year spent a semester overseas as part of their degree. We’re looking to increase our share of this group. 

    “In normal times, US institutions and study abroad advisors rely on the voices of New Zealand alumni, who can share their experiences with other people on campus and build interest in a New Zealand study experience,” he says. 

    “We needed to do something different this year, because our borders had been closed so there weren’t the alumni students available on campus. We also needed a good way to remind study advisors about New Zealand’s unique education offering.”  

    Lewis says feedback from institutions in the US has been very positive, and they are looking forward to seeing students travel again to New Zealand. Some of the comments received included the following: 

    • “Thank you so much for letting us know about this exciting project! I just shared the New Zealand Study Abroad Month YouTube channel with our spring 2023 applicants... We are thrilled to nominate over 15 students to our outstanding partner universities in New Zealand ...for the first time in over two years!”  

    • “Thank you for sharing this information. I watched Fiona’s video for VUW and I am sharing it with several students who are deciding which NZ institution to attend for Term 1 via TEAN.  I’ll be certain to watch future videos and do the same with those.”   
    • “We are so grateful of the opportunities you provide our students, and our tight partnership together.”  

    “In case anyone is wondering, we initially intended to run the promotion for four weeks, hence the name, ‘Study Abroad Month’. But with the participation of so many universities, and the inclusion of additional videos reflecting the voices of students, it made more sense to expand the promotion to six weeks.”  

    Before our borders closed, the US was our sixth largest source of international students, with most students seeking to enrol in university-level study here. Study Abroad Month aimed to attract students to New Zealand from the US spring semester 2023 onwards. 

  • Tauranga education delegation travels to Korea and Japan

    Two successful education fairs were held in Korea, with more than 100 Korean students committing to study in Tauranga from Term 1, 2023 onwards. 400 people attended the events overall.  

    Relationship-building was also a key focus of the trip, making many new connections and strengthening long-term ones in both countries.  


    The trip to Korea was coordinated by Education Tauranga and TKT agency. The two organisations held education fairs together in Korea for 12 years prior to COVID-19. This trip was especially important as 2022 marks 60 years of diplomatic relationships between New Zealand and Korea.

    Regional marketing at the Seoul education fair

    “It was exciting to travel offshore again to promote the Tauranga region. Korean families contribute so much to our city and our community - socially, culturally, and economically,” says Education Tauranga Regional Manager Melissa Gillingham.

    The trip provided an insight into Korean culture and helped school representatives understand the support families need as they settle into life and school in Tauranga.

    On average, Korean families stay in Tauranga for two to three years and contribute about $20 million per year to the local economy. A single family will spend about $100,000 per year on various costs related to establishing a home and participating in tourism activities.

    Anne Young from The University of Waikato explains the Tu Ngatahi pin to a prospective parent at the Seoul education fair

    Because the group was the largest New Zealand delegation to visit South Korea since the end of 2019, Education Tauranga organised a special Alumni Event with support from Education New Zealand. Hosted by New Zealand’s Ambassador to South Korea, Philip Turner, the event attracted 70 alumni Korean families.

    The families were eager to reconnect and relive the positive experiences they had living and studying in Tauranga.  

    “It was fantastic to have the opportunity to connect with them again face-to-face and see what they've been up to since returning to Korea,” says Anne Young, International Manager of the University of Waikato Tauranga Campus.

    Greenpark Primary School reconnecting with the sister-school they have had reciprocal exchanges with for 18 years, Hansin Elementary

    Visits to sister schools were next, with representatives from the delegation calling on Sanui Primary School and Hansin Elementary. They were treated to full school tours and discussed next steps in strengthening their relationships and the potential for restarting international exchanges once again. 

    In addition to the education fairs, this was an opportunity to reconnect with Tauranga’s ‘friendship city’ in Korea; Ansan. Situated on the outskirts of Seoul, Ansan is a planned city that grew from a population of 120,000 to over 750,000 in the past 35 years. With a wide scope of primary and secondary industries, and a strong focus on sustainable growth, there are similarities connecting Tauranga and Ansan city.


    After the success of the events in Korea, Tauranga city representatives Dean Prendergast and Melissa Gillingham travelled on to Japan to continue reconnecting with their international contacts.

    Meeting with Waseda University and Japanese Women’s University at the New Zealand Embassy, hosted by ENZ representative, Misa Kitaoka

    This year marks 70 years of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and Japan. Mr Prendergast and Ms Gillingham visited the New Zealand Embassy to celebrate this milestone. There they met with representatives from top Japanese universities, Waseda University and Japan Woman’s University, to discuss studying abroad and online exchange activities.

    High interest in the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals is shared between the two schools.

     “It’s important to discuss ways for youth to connect over common goals that will continue to unite our two countries for future generations,” Ms Gillingham says.

    The final stop on the trip was Tauranga’s sister-city, Hitachi, in the Ibaraki prefecture. Next year the two cities will be celebrating the 35-year anniversary of the sister-city relationship, a significant and long-term connection that has seen many exchanges on an educational, economic, and personal level.

    The representatives had an opportunity to meet with Hitachi Mayor, Haruki Ogawa and exchange stories. Mr Ogawa was delighted to meet with the delegates and is waiting eagerly for the next mayoral delegation to visit Hitachi.

  • Record audience for ECE symposium streamed live from China 

    Thousands watched the third annual New Zealand – China Early Childhood Education Symposium, as it was livestreamed from Guilin in southern China on 23 September 2022. A further 200 attendees were present at the event in Guilin, and New Zealand presenters and attendees joined via webinar. 

    Sponsored by Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ), the New Zealand Embassy in China, and the China Centre for International People to People Exchange, and co-organised by Guangxi Normal University, the 2022 Symposium’s theme was: Together for a Shared Future: Sustainable Development in Early Childhood Education and Care. 

    Thought-provoking and inspirational presentations covered a wide range of topics, including education systems, language development and practical examples of play-based learning. You can view the 2022 ECE Symposium programme, including details of the presenters, here. 

    Miranda Herbert at a media engagement with Chinese news channels

    Miranda Herbert, ENZ’s Regional Director for Greater China was invited to an interview with Guilin TV to explain our collaboration with China’s Ministry of Education, to support dialogue around best practice in the early childhood education field.  The event was also covered by other key news outlets in China, including Guangming Daily, a national Chinese-language daily newspaper published in the People's Republic of China.   

    “New Zealand is recognised as one of the first partners with China for early childhood education, as a result of the symposium,” Ms Herbert said.  

    “Now in its third year, the symposium has grown from strength to strength each year, and is highly valued by the Ministry of Education in China.” 

    Representatives from Te Rito Maioha presented a talk on the theme 'My language and my culture are my identity'.

    Arapera Card, Senior Advisor Māori at Te Rito Maioha, said meeting the organisers both from Beijing and Aotearoa set a sense of whanaungatanga and manaakitanga ahead of the symposium. 

    “As an organisation Te Rito Maioha found this experience to be overall well executed and amazed at the number of participants across China.  That was lovely to see, and should the opportunity come around again, we will be sure to increase the numbers of participants attending from Aotearoa.  The line-up of presenters from both countries absolutely showed that the early childhood sector is in good hands,” Ms Card said.   

    New Zealand and China have been collaborating on early childhood education since 2020 and this is now an item under the mechanism of the Joint Working Group on Education and Training, last held in February 2021. 

    Want to know more about ENZ initiatives in China? Contact  

  • High level of interest in vocational education forum

    Organised by Skills Consulting Group and Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ), together with Te Pūkenga, the forum provided an opportunity to share knowledge and insights on best practice in technical and vocational education and training, in an accessible format. 

    A key theme was the importance of close relationships with industry, particularly in terms of apprenticeships. For some participants, a longstanding perception that higher education is more important than vocational education remains a challenge. Student panel participants also talked about the confidence and support that their parents provided when they were making decisions about whether to enter vocational education programmes, and having no regrets about the career paths followed. 

    Topics covered included solving skills shortages, apprenticeships, youth employment, lifelong learning, digital transformation, sustainability, and promoting diversity. Senior government officials, major companies, international organisations, sector leaders and students from around the world spoke at the forum, which was opened with a speech from Education Minister Chris Hipkins.  

    Text-based chat and discussion tools in the virtual environment were multilingual, providing instant translation to enable communication and networking across 28 different languages.  

    The China – New Zealand Higher Vocational Education Summit was also part of the APAC TVET Forum and featured a dedicated virtual room for Chinese presenters and audience members. The Summit provided a platform to: 

    • discuss New Zealand’s recent experience of vocational education reform  
    • further develop cooperation in vocational education between New Zealand and China, building on the existing joint programmes between Te Pūkenga subsidiaries and vocational institutions in China. 

    Keynote speakers from China included Chen Dali, Deputy Director, General Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges from the China Ministry of Education, and presenters from industry including Wang Jinsheng from Qingdao Technical College. 

    ENZ Business Development Manager Richard Kyle says APAC TVET is the only forum of its type in the region. 

    “It was particularly encouraging to see double the number of registrations this year, building on the success of the first forum in 2021. There’s clearly a high level of interest in this event, and it’s a great opportunity to showcase New Zealand’s strengths in vocational and technical education.” 

    Positive comments were received from many attendees.  

    “Brilliant tech.  Excellent management…and good content.”  

    “Amazing numbers... Very informative sessions and I’ve got people more interested in our upcoming activities.”  

    “It was well organised from the invitation to the closure of the forum – well done job!”  

What's in it for me?