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Haere ra Afiqah, Haere mai Vikram
We spoke recently with the former NZISA National President for 2021, Afiqah Ramizi, and with the National President for 2022, Vikram Selvaraj.
Afiqah Ramizi, NZISA National President 2021
Afiqah has been in New Zealand since 2015, when she left Malaysia to undertake tertiary study here. After completing a foundation course at ACG (now known as UP International College), Afiqah started on a six-year medical degree at the University of Auckland (UoA) and is now in her final year.
Afiqah’s advocacy work started during her time at ACG, when she was selected to represent the college under an International Student Ambassador programme, run by the New Zealand Police in Auckland. The main focus was to support engagement with the student community, and lift students’ understanding about how to keep themselves safe in a foreign country and what support is available.
At university, Afiqah joined the Malaysian students’ association and became Vice President. In 2019 and again in 2020, she was elected as the International Students Officer for the UoA Students Association. During these years, she became involved with NZISA through their multiple lobbying efforts and community engagement. Afiqah was elected NZISA’s Vice President in 2020, before being elected National President in 2021.
Looking back on her experience at NZISA, Afiqah says she is proud to have been involved in making sure that the voices of international students were heard as New Zealand responded to COVID-19, amongst many other achievements of NZISA since 2017.
“Last year we were successful in lobbying for temporary changes to international students’ maximum working hours, so they could work more during alert levels 3 and 4,” Afiqah says. “This was really important for students at a time when their studies were disrupted, and some students were facing financial hardship. This temporary increase was also appreciated by local employers, as they were needing more people able to work full-time, to keep their businesses running.”
In her role as National President, Afiqah was involved in supporting the groups of international students coming back to New Zealand while the border was closed. Her team’s continuous advocacy to government bodies saw more international student cohort border exceptions announced, which meant more international students were able to return and resume life in New Zealand.
“Staying in managed isolation and quarantine was a big extra cost for these students, and we know many hesitated to return because of that. By talking with the institutions involved and advocating for subsidies, we were able to encourage them to cover part of the costs for their returning students. This was a win-win for both the universities and the students.”
Supporting students over the holidays was another key focus for NZISA during the past two summers, primarily to help onshore students who couldn’t reconnect with their families while borders were closed.
“We worked with ENZ and our regional networks to encourage summer internships, to remain connected in the international community and to indulge in the real Kiwi summer,” Afiqah said.
Afiqah herself spent the last summer at the coalface of the COVID-19 response work, drawing on her medical knowledge to support public health. She was initially working to find the source of COVID-19 when contact tracing was a key focus, and through the Omicron surge, she has learned other public health skills as the nature of her work changed from eliminating to managing COVID-19.
Now it’s time for her to pass on the baton to the 2022 President, and an opportunity to focus on her final year of medical school!
Vikram Selvaraj, NZISA National President 2022
Now in the final semester of a Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree at University of Canterbury, Vikram came to New Zealand in 2018 from Singapore with his partner and began studying here the following year.
“The Bachelor of Criminal Justice was a new degree, and I realised it was exactly what I wanted to study,” Vikram says. “It combines law with a range of other subjects, all related to criminal justice.”
Vikram is the eldest of three siblings and the sole breadwinner for his family, having lost both parents. His two siblings are still living in Singapore, and Vikram has continued to run a hairdressing salon there during his years in NZ. It’s more than three years since Vikram last saw his family in Singapore, but he isn’t planning a trip home any time soon, because of the risk that border settings might change again.
Vikram brings a range of relevant experience to his new role as NZISA National President. At University of Canterbury (UC), he was a UniLife Leader, the first to be in charge of mature students, both domestic and international. It was his role to support them, provide pastoral care and a voice on the issues they were facing. His work was recognised with a Blues Award from UC Students Association in 2021, for Outstanding Achievement in Community Engagement.
Vikram is excited about his new role as NZISA National President. He was elected in December and took up the role in late January, along with an all-new executive team of eight students.
“We’re planning a number of projects for the year ahead,” Vikram says.
UC joined NZISA last year and continuing to increase membership will be one of the priorities for Vikram and his team this year.
“We also have ideas for a range of projects for students that different members of the team will lead during the year. This includes working with NZ Police to help students understand the risks of scams and online gambling; supporting students with resources to combat racism and discrimination; and empowering women.”
Vikram says it’s his belief that he can do something that has brought him to where he is today. He’s very conscious of the challenges faced by many international students, for example when their financial situation changes, and they find it hard to get the support they need.
“Kiwi students aren’t always aware that international students are paying a premium price for their studies,” he says.
“Sometimes students feel homesick, or experience racism – whatever the particular challenge, it’s important for them to know that someone is listening to them.”
Fun fact about Vikram: Vikram has a Japanese Spritz dog called Tiger that he brought with him to New Zealand.
Sahinde Pala, ENZ’s Director Student Experience & Global Citizens, says ENZ sets great store by our relationship with NZISA.
“We have really valued the contribution Afiqah has made during her years with NZISA, and we look forward to working closely with Vikram and his team over the coming year,” Sahinde says.
Criteria – Paearu
New Zealand tertiary institutions are eligible to apply.
Target Groups
Graduates, doctoral candidates, doctorate holders, professors and lecturers.
Definition of “early-career researcher”:
• A PhD student enrolled at a participating New Zealand university.
• A researcher who has been awarded a Research Master's or PhD within five years from the date of the application.
• A researcher who received his or her award more than five years before the date of the application but who, due to career interruptions such as family commitments has had less than the equivalent of five cumulative years of research experience.Eligible Subject Areas and Disciplines
The programme is open to all disciplines.
Education New Zealand will support participating New Zealand institutions by funding travel and living expenses for research trips to Germany.
ENZ will contribute a maximum of NZ$16,000 per year per project. Projects are typically funded for up to two years - in total NZ$32,000.
PPP funding covers the following project-related expenses:
• Travel costs of the sponsored participants
• Living costs of the sponsored participantsExperienced researchers can stay in Germany for up to 30 days per year. Graduates can stay for up to 50 days per year.
Funding available to reimagine international education
Registrations of interest are open now for ENZ’s International Education Product Innovation Fund (PIF), closing on Wednesday 4 May 2022. Funding is available to all New Zealand-based organisations and individuals with fresh ideas for international education.
The PIF will support providers of education – whether established, new or emerging – to explore, develop and test pilot projects of new products and services that reimagine international education.
“New” could mean the mode of delivery, the configuration, the learner experience and learner outcomes, or the type of collaboration. The pilot projects developed through the PIF will help explore what could set New Zealand apart from its competitors, how students want to engage with New Zealand education, and how to increase the sector’s resilience to future shocks.
“We are extremely excited to now be receiving registrations of interest for the Product Innovation Fund”, says Euan Howden, ENZ’s Director of Innovation. “By encouraging and enabling the development of new, innovative products and services, we are seeking to position the sector for a more sustainable and resilient future and take advantage of trends such as alternative credentials, life-long learning and flexible learning.”
Underlying the PIF is the principle of tukutuku, or partnership. Each pilot project supported through the PIF will be a partnership based on mutual benefit and reciprocity between ENZ and the provider.
ENZ will offer funding of up to $300,000 per pilot (but is open to considering proposals that seek greater funding), as well as connections, support and credibility. In turn, ENZ is looking for applicants who can show a commitment of resource, a willingness to share lessons, reporting and insights for broader benefit, an openness to new thinking, and willingness to give best effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The PIF is one of ENZ’s initiatives underway to build a sustainable and diverse international education sector for New Zealand which is more resilient to future shocks such as COVID-19. The programme is funded by the Covid Response and Recovery Fund and is linked to the Government’s Strategic Recovery Plan for International Education.
The results of the pilots supported through the PIF will eventually inform recommendations to the Government in September 2023 on future investment in the development and diversification of international education.
Kōrerorero on quality education
Panellists included
- Dr Dawn Freshwater, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Auckland, who is also the first woman to hold this role
- Dr Sandra Regina Goulart Almeida, Vice-Chancellor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil
- Dr Alejandro Ceballos, Vice-Chancellor at the Universidad de Caldas in Colombia.
With simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and Portuguese, the session attracted more than 100 attendees and 350 registrations from across Latin America and Aotearoa New Zealand. Panellists shared their thoughts on gender equality, integration, and inclusion, and how to achieve more equitable access to quality education. They also discussed the main priorities and focus of their institution in relation to SDG 4, and how they overcome challenges to achieve the SDG’s objectives.
Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao’s Kōrerorero webinar series is intended for academics, education agents and media in Latin America and New Zealand. It has been particularly effective in maintaining awareness of a New Zealand education while our borders are closed, while also contributing to discussions on important matters related to international education. Across the six episodes since its launch in 2020, more than 1,000 people have attended, with many subsequent views on YouTube.
If you would like to watch this episode, please click here
Workshops on supporting international students’ mental health
Monday 30 May 2022 at Helen Kitson Centre, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School, Christchurch
Register here by 26 May.
Monday 20 June 2022 at Lower Hutt Events Centre, Wellington
Register here by 13 June.
About the workshop:
Culture shock, language barriers, isolation, loneliness, homesickness, separation from support groups, the loss of confidence — these are just a few of the challenges faced by many international students in New Zealand. Add to these differences in how different societies view, talk about and seek solutions for challenges relating to mental health, and we can see why it is difficult for schools to support their students effectively when they are struggling.
This workshop will be jointly facilitated by Ivan Yeo, Deputy Director of Asian Family Services and Jennifer Kirkham, PLD Operations Manager of SIEBA. The goal is to explore what might be going on for students struggling with their mental health, and how providers might best support them. The workshop will be highly interactive with a focus on sharing and discussion of the topics provided, guided by the facilitators.
Advertising opportunity in Japan
Click here to view a sample advertisement.
The publication is the only one of its kind supported by the New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo and Education New Zealand. KBUNSHA distributes 20,000 copies to Japanese schools, universities and education organisations as well as education fairs and seminars.
“With the New Zealand border gradually reopening to students from Japan, along with the recent New Zealand Prime Minister’s visit to Japan in April, this is a great opportunity for us to join forces to promote New Zealand education to the Japanese public. Destination marketing plays a key role in student attraction for a market like Japan with a tourism focus and I hope regions can also participate in this special opportunity to introduce their regions and activities,” says ENZ Director of Education – Japan, Misa Kitaoka.
To advertise, bookings must be made by 30 June 2022 directly with KBUNSHA (details for English speaking contact person are included in the NZ Proposal).
Advertisement rates for individual providers range from $NZ1,200 to $NZ6,000 for guidebook and/or website listing. Individual providers can download the proposal here. Advertising copy can be provided in English.
For further details on the guidebook and pricing for regional groups (starting at $NZ2,300 for a 2-page colour advertisement) download the proposal here.
From the Chief Executive: Stepping up the promotion of international education
We’re about to embark on education-focussed travel that will include three of our important markets for international education – the United States, Chile and Brazil. As part of the trip, the delegation led by Education Minister Chris Hipkins will attend NAFSA, the world’s biggest international education event, held in Denver, Colorado.
This trip will also feature the launch of ENZ’s amazing new global marketing campaign on 31 May 2022 at NAFSA – there’s a sneak preview in this issue of E-News.
I’m also delighted to let you know that planning is well underway for the 29th New Zealand International Education Conference (NZIEC) to be held in August. To ensure we reach the widest possible audience at a critical time for the rebuild of the industry, NZIEC 2022 will be delivered in a virtual format this year, at no cost to attendees.
Following on from the government’s announcements earlier this month on changes to immigration settings and the restart of student visa applications from 31 July 2022, there have been two further announcements that are important for the international education sector. These relate to the outcome of recent consultation on enrolling international fee-paying students under Year 9, and a refresh of the New Zealand International Education Strategy.
International students up to Year 9
The government has decided to make no change to the ability of international students to enrol in New Zealand primary and intermediate schools. This follows earlier consultation on possible options to restrict the enrolment of international students below Year 9, which closed in March 2022.
This announcement has been widely welcomed, and demonstrates the government listened closely to feedback received from the sector and other interested parties. It’s good news that we can resume welcoming young students and groups to New Zealand schools across all age levels as our borders reopen.
New Zealand International Education Strategy (NZIES)
The existing NZIES dates back to 2018, and the impact of Covid-19 and the changed global education environment mean another look at the strategy is timely. Consultation on a refreshed NZIES 2022-2030 is underway, and I encourage you to provide your views and feedback before consultation closes on 24 June 2022.
The draft refreshed NZIES 2022-2030 reflects the government’s continued commitment to international education, and the need for us to focus on building back better from the pandemic. It includes two phases. The first phase is about rebuilding and recovery – promoting New Zealand’s education brand and supporting student recruitment. The second phase aims to build capability and investment in a more diverse and resilient international education sector.
As a package, the recent government decisions including the immigration rebalance mean we now have increased certainty about the operating environment for the international education sector. We look forward to working with you to rebuild our international education sector to be a major contributor to New Zealand. And we look forward to students from all around the world enjoying the benefits of a New Zealand education, and New Zealanders enjoying the benefits these students bring to our communities.
He rā ki tua – better times are coming.
Grant McPherson
Around the world in five – July 2022
New Zealand’s offshore graduates call for post-study work visa extension
NZ reveals 30 groups for PM’s scholarships
New Zealand unveils 30 groups for Prime Minister's Scholarships
Current events to have “long-term impacts” on sector
Are universities solving or accelerating the environmental crisis?
New Zealand
Institutions get ready to welcome international students
Northland education and tourism sectors await international students
Farewelling the undiplomatic diplomat
Graduation gown tells story of time in NZ
Hopes foreign student numbers back to pre-Covid levels by 2024
International students reunite with families after two-year pandemic separation
PM’s scholarships fund indigenous links
How universities are luring lucrative international students back
Exploring Indigenous cultures and societies around the world
China lockdowns driving study abroad interest, say stakeholders
They held a virtual course on Culture and Society for teachers and public officials
New Zealand offers virtual courses with its best universities
Education agencies will help Colombians for their education in New Zealand
Girls in tech & education New Zealand facilitates education for Indonesian women
Matariki, the Maori New Year as a New Zealand’s unique celebration
New Zealand ready to welcome Malaysian students this August
“Clear signs” for recruitment growth in Mexico
Nigerian students — which countries will give you the best shot for visa approvals?
South Korea
Embassy of New Zealand Open House New Zealand Hybrid Bachelor's Preparation Course
New Zealand Education partners with 5 Schools in Dang Rayong to develop digital classroom projects
United Kingdom
Prime Minister signs landmark science agreement with New Zealand
Viet Nam
International students return to New Zealand from 1/8
New Zealand Future Skills Summer Camp 2022 revealed
'Study Abroad Day' brings together more than 100 global universities
Strengthening education cooperation between Vietnam and New Zealand
Alumni events in China build ties with NZ
More than 100 past, current and future students, as well as representatives from China’s Ministry of Education and six other key government agencies, attended an event in Beijing on 8 July 2022, organised by Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao.
Two former international students played a major role in the success of this event.
Chinese author Ma Boyong gave a keynote speech. Ma Boyong was a student at Waikato University, and today he is a well-known novelist, columnist and blogger, whose work has been adapted into successful TV drama series. His achievements have been recognised with the People's Literature Prize, one of China's most prestigious honours. He told guests how his New Zealand study inspired his creativity, his desire to be a writer, and led to love – he met his wife in New Zealand!
Reggie Li, who trained at the New Zealand School of Travel and Tourism and later worked extensively at top restaurants and hotels in New Zealand as a chef, is the New Zealand Embassy’s executive chef. Reggie gave salmon cooking demonstrations to the assembled guests. The demo was interactive and put a spotlight on searing/cooking salmon with a blowtorch. The salmon was then enjoyed by the guests. New Zealand-imported Aoraki salmon is often served at embassy events as it has a strong reputation in China, promotes sustainability and is, of course, loved by Chinese.
In Guangzhou on 10 July 2022, a similar number of guests gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and China, and the festival of Matariki, the Māori New Year.
Organised by ENZ with support from other government agencies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, and Tourism New Zealand), the 2022 NZ Guangzhou Community Mid-Year Event brought together close to 100 agents, past, present and future students and New Zealand expats. The event included a screening of the award-winning film Whale Rider.
“Events like this help us maintain relationships with our alumni students, connect new students with alumni, and strengthen people’s connections with New Zealand,” says Miranda Herbert, ENZ’s Director based in China.
“It is also very rewarding to showcase the benefits of a New Zealand education and hear about its impact on the lives and careers of former students.”
Interested in other upcoming events with Greater China?
The 2022 New Zealand – China Early Childhood Education Symposium will be held on 23 September and New Zealand-based participants can register here to join virtually.
In October New Zealand will have a national pavilion at the China Education Expo 2022. For more information on these events, please refer to the ENZ Events Page.
Innovation at Mission New Zealand
With support from the product and service diversification pilot funding round led by Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ), the new platform is being developed and managed by The Mind Lab.
Mission New Zealand offers a fully immersive and distinctively New Zealand experience. It focuses on the key differences that New Zealand offers and the benefits of being part of a movement for positive change. A range of shorter learning opportunities are grouped under four themes that reflect New Zealand’s progressiveness and values: culture, tech innovation, creativity and sustainability.
Visitors to the site will be greeted by the world’s first 360° virtual pōwhiri, starting at the gates of Ngāti Whātua Orākei Marae in Auckland. They will experience being called onto the marae with a karanga and stepping onto the grounds to be welcomed by members of Ngāti Whātua.
A screenshot from Mission New Zealand's virtual pōwhiri
Personalised learning, with optional content and stories, insights and other material will help learners experience what makes New Zealand unique.
The new platform is designed to address the increasing global demand for connecting with a visible cause, for online learning options, and for shorter and more flexible courses.
There are still opportunities for New Zealand education providers interested in being part of this opportunity, before the marketing campaign gets underway over the next two months. The site will enable providers to test the demand for their short courses and micro-credentials in areas of New Zealand specialist expertise.
This project is part of ENZ’s programme to encourage the development of new products and services in the international education sector, supported by the COVID Response and Recovery Fund.
The Mind Lab was founded in 2013 and has a strong background in innovation, online delivery and building community connections, including relationships with iwi and Māori-led organisations.