Apply – Tono


An application must present a specific academic research project of high quality, on which the New Zealand and German institutions intend to work together in a complementary manner.

The New Zealand and the German partner institution must both submit an application. Applications submitted by only one party will result in exclusion from the selection procedure.

• The Project Coordinator applies on behalf of his or her institution and is responsible for the administration of the funding.
• The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for providing the scientific information and can also act as the project coordinator.
• Team members may be Master’s or PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers or academics at a New Zealand institution.

Application Guidelines and Required Documents

The following information must be provided, and documents must be uploaded to the application portal:

• Project application (in the application portal)
• Financing plan (in the application portal)
• Project description (Download here) (up to 10 pages)
• Research profile/CV of the New Zealand Principle Investigator (up to 3 pages)
• Research profile/CV of the German Principle Investigator
• List of project-relevant publications by the New Zealand Principle Investigator in the past 5 years (up to 4 pages)
• List of project-relevant publications by the German Principle Investigator in the past 5 years (up to 4 pages)
• Brief CVs of any other project participants that have already been selected at the time of application (up to 3 pages)
• Confirmation from the project assistant if applicable

Submissions and amendments, including to the financing plan, submitted after the application deadline will not be considered. Incomplete applications will be excluded from the selection process.



All applications will be evaluated by a selection panel that includes senior academics.

Key selection criteria include:

• Technical and content-related quality of the project in relation to the achievement of the project and programme objectives (weighting: 60%)
• Quality and rigour of the project planning (weighting: 20%)
• Appropriate participation of early career researchers (weighting: 10%)
• Consideration of diversity (weighting: 5%)
• Climate-sensitive project organisation (weighting: 5%) 


Applications for the 2024 are now closed.

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