ENZ discontinues recognised agency programme

Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) has discontinued the Education New Zealand Recognised Agency (ENZRA) programme.

The decision followed a global review that included input from NZ education providers, education agents globally and NZ government agencies. It also considered practice across other jurisdictions and the global education agent landscape in a post-pandemic environment. The decision becomes effective immediately. The review was foreshadowed in the refresh of the New Zealand International Education Strategy in 2022.

“There are many positive aspects of our engagement with agents,” said General Manager of Sector Services, Sahinde Pala.

“Our global staff network and trusted relationships with agents are important factors in assisting students who wish to further their studies in New Zealand. ENZ’s AgentLab platform has also been a rich resource and information hub for education agents, particularly during the pandemic. We will continue to offer these services going forward.”

“But there were also issues. Our review showed that many successful agents did not see the value in joining the programme. The programme was also not accessible to emerging education consultants and organisations, and it did not meet the needs of New Zealand education providers.”

“After careful consideration of the feedback from many agencies and New Zealand education providers, it became clear that the existing programme was not fit for the emerging environment and the decision was taken to discontinue.”

“Looking forward, we want to ensure a more even-handed and efficient approach and feel the best way of achieving this is to open up the power of our international network, along with our information and training capability to all agents, regardless of their size, expertise or capability.”

While the ENZRA programme will cease, the new AgentLab platform will be launched in August and will include a wide range of updates relevant to education agents, including a calendar of events, details of upcoming webinars, resources, and latest news and updates from across the New Zealand education landscape.

Education agents will be able to access the same level of information and resources via the AgentLab platform. The discontinuation of the ENZRA programme will not affect this.

Any agent seeking more information or support should email: agent.help@enz.govt.nz


For further information: 

Sai Raje | Senior Advisor Communications, Education New Zealand  


 +64 21 479 649 


Notes to Editors: 

About Education New Zealand (ENZ) https://www.enz.govt.nz/  

Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) is the government agency responsible for taking New Zealand’s education experiences to the world. ENZ promotes a New Zealand education as one that teaches students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers and lifelong learners, which will help them succeed in their future careers and create a positive impact on the world.  

With approximately 100 staff in 18 locations around the world, ENZ works closely with New Zealand’s diverse education sector including schools, English language providers, Private Training Establishments, Te Pūkenga (Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics), universities; and internationally with NZ Inc agencies, Government agencies and education providers to encourage sustainable growth and identify opportunities.

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