22 September 2022 at 10:30 am
Focus on energy with Indonesia
A newly-signed education agreement with Indonesia paves the way for increased co-operation and exchanges in the renewable energy space. As countries around the world grapple with the need to replace fossil fuels with low carbon energy sources, New Zealand’s expertise and innovation in renewable energy is increasingly valuable.

The Education Co-operation Arrangement signed between Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (the Apparatus Human Resources Development Centre, Human Resources Development Agency) and Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) on 24 August 2022, aims to build international education co-operation, in the area of energy transitions and renewable energy.
An initial pilot will enable up to three employees from the Ministry to travel to New Zealand next year, to study in the University of Auckland's Master of Energy or PhD in Energy programmes. The Ministry will cover the cost of the scholarship and facilitate the scholarship selection process.
Universities New Zealand and ENZ will work together to expand the opportunity to other New Zealand universities in future years.
The hybrid ceremony was witnessed by New Zealand's Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Kevin Burnett and representatives from Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in New Zealand who joined the event online.

Left to right: Naluri Bella Wati (ENZ), Patrick Holden (ENZ), Bambang Utoro (MEMR), H.E. Kevin Burnett, Sampe L Purba (MEMR) in Jakarta
Indonesia has vast potential for renewable energy, and New Zealand has a long history of partnering with Indonesia, particularly in relation to geothermal energy – see NZTE website.