17 July 2024 at 11:00 am
From the Acting CE: Forward together

Tēnā koutou katoa
Last week we took time internally to reflect on our work over the 2023/24 financial year. So much excellent work has happened over the past twelve months – it was wonderful to come together virtually as an organisation to celebrate the achievements.
There are good reasons to celebrate. International students are returning to New Zealand. The latest enrolment figures show that there were 69,135 international student enrolments with New Zealand education providers in 2023. This represents a 67 per cent increase compared to the full year in 2022 and 60 per cent of annual enrolments in 2019.
This is positive news for our education sector and good for our communities.
A key part of our strategy is to partner and connect and to be an enabler of international education for New Zealand, so I thought I would share with you some recent engagements with that in mind.
This past month I had the pleasure of speaking at the opening plenary session of the annual SIEBA (Schools International Education Business Association) conference in Auckland. The theme of the hui was Global Threads Local Ties. The school sector is very important to New Zealand’s international education offering. It is the second largest sub sector after universities, representing about 20 percent of the value of our entire industry and it is where we find the highest economic value and the greatest opportunity to pathway through to other New Zealand providers.
Likewise, in early August I was pleased to welcome to our Wellington office a delegation of twenty indigenous students visiting from the University of Toronto. Canada is one of New Zealand’s closest and longstanding international partners and it is pleasing to see indigenous-to-indigenous cooperation between both countries increasing. We are really noticing growing interest in this overseas as you will read in this article here. - Indigenous Internationalisation a hot topic
Turning our attention to the next 12 months, in June the ENZ Board approved our business plan for this financial year (1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025). The plan has four clear priorities:
To grow and diversify the number and value of international students studying with New Zealand
Partner and connect to be the trusted voice and enabler of international education for New Zealand
To deliver sector growth through services that are valued by the sector, international students and New Zealand Inc partners, and
Optimise ENZ to be a more efficient and effective Crown Agency.
When it comes to delivering valued sector services, the upcoming New Zealand International Education Conference (NZIEC KI TUA) in August will be provide an excellent opportunity to come together as a sector to listen, learn, discuss, contribute, and network with specialists and colleagues.
If you haven’t yet registered, I encourage you to check out the conference website. This year it will be held from 6 to 8 August 2024 at Tākina Convention Centre in Wellington.
We have a stellar line up of speakers and it promises to be an engaging and informative event.
Whaowhia te kete mātauranga
Fill the basket of knowledge.
Ngā mihi nui,
Dr Linda Sissons
Acting Chief Executive
Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao