
Showing 10 of 487 results for group registration

  • From the CE: Board announces new ENZ CE

    Tēnā koutou katoa 

    Our Board yesterday announced the appointment of Amanda Malu (Ngāi Tahu) as our new Chief Executive. Amanda is currently Deputy Chief Executive Service Delivery at ACC, and formerly Chief Executive at Whānau Āwhina Plunket, leading that organisation through extensive change over six years in the role. She previously held senior marketing and communication roles including at the Tertiary Education Commission, and earlier in her career worked in marketing and international student recruitment in the polytechnic sector. Amanda will take up the role in September. Until then, I will continue as Acting Chief Executive.  

    This is excellent news. I am sure you will all join me in giving Amanda a very warm welcome to Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao and our international education community. 

    Amanda Malu has been appointed ENZ's new Chief Executive by ENZ's Board.

    To the visit of Premier Li. Last Friday I had the privilege of attending three events held as part of Premier Li’s visit to New Zealand. Significantly, Premier Li was accompanied by Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng who led a delegation of Chinese university senior leaders and senior education officials. This is Minister Huai’s second visit to New Zealand within 12 months following his engaging contribution to NZIEC Ki Tua 2023. This is a very special recognition of the close education ties between New Zealand and China. 

    ENZ's Acting Chief Executive Dr Linda Sissons greets Minister Huai with Minister Penny Simmonds and ENZ Regional Director & Counsellor, Greater China (Education), Michael Zhang, prior to the Education Forum (held at the Pullman Hotel, Auckland)

    Our Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills, Penny Simmonds and Minister Huai co-chaired a “Looking into the Future: High Level Education Forum. The Forum was attended by 11 University Presidents from some of the most prestigious universities in China, and all eight of our university Vice-Chancellors. The Forum discussed themes spanning student and academic mobility, research partnerships, innovation and productivity and digital education. A compelling discussion topped off with the signing of twenty institution-level MOUs. 

    Minister Huai and Minister Simmonds open 'Looking into the Future: New Zealand - China High Level Education Forum

    And towards the end of the Forum, Premier Li, our Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, as well as the Minister of Education, Erica Stanford, joined the closing ceremony and took an active part in proceedings. This included the Prime Minister presenting the latest Prime Minister’s Scholarships to a group from Canterbury University heading to China and announcing the 2024 recipients of the New Zealand-China Tripartite Research Partnership Fund. Premier Li also announced allocations of scholarships for New Zealand Chinese Language teachers, summer camp places for New Zealand students and donations of Chinese language textbooks. 


    Prime Minister Rt Hon Christopher Luxon with Maia Hosking of the University of Auckland who will begin her programme in China under the Prime Minister's Scholarship for Asia.

    Premier Li (centre left) presents list of announcements to Prime Minister Rt Hon Christopher Luxon (centre right) on stage with six New Zealand students who received Chinese Language books

    To close the day, we accompanied our Minister, our Chinese and New Zealand university colleagues, and NZ Inc representatives to the Gala dinner where Prime Minister Luxon called out education among the other vital ties between China and New Zealand.  

    These special events proved a unique opportunity to showcase our high-quality education offering to China while demonstrating our commitment to enhancing student mobility and future education and research collaboration. It was fantastic. We can all be very proud of education’s contribution to this important relationship. 

    Ngā mihi nui,   


    Dr Linda Sissons 

    Acting Chief Executive 

    Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao 


  • Indigenous internationalisation a hot topic across North America

    The topic of Indigenous Internationalisation has been proving a popular one at international education events across North America recently. Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) Associate Director of Engagement, Natalie Lulia, was asked to share her thoughts alongside experts in panel discussions in both the United States and Canada in May and June. The invitations offered a good opportunity to showcase the important work that Aotearoa New Zealand is doing in indigenous-to-indigenous engagement and internationalisation and our unique approaches to international education. 

    It was at the 76th annual NAFSA Association of International Educators conference in New Orleans that Natalie was first invited to take part in a panel talk on the subject “What is indigenous-led internationalisation?”. Natalie was joined on the panel by Distinguished Professor Jacinta Ruru, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori at the University of Otago, and Paulette Tamati-Elliffe, Manager at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.  

    The panel explored how indigenous and non-Western knowledge and worldviews are essential for intercultural learning through the experiences and work of Māori education experts. The panel provided examples of how indigenous ways of knowing and being can enhance intercultural learning and what Indigenous-led internationalisation looks like in practice. 

    The panel was moderated by DuBois Jennings, ENZ’s Director of Engagement North America, who noted that the session was extremely well attended.  

    “It was very inspiring listening to our panel of experts share their thoughts with a very attentive audience. It was so popular that people were standing at the back, which is indicative of how the global international education community values our expertise in this area,” said DuBois. 

    A te ao Māori approach to education was then the feature of Chief Executive for Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, Professor Wiremu Doherty, who delivered a powerful keynote address at the British Columbia International Education Week Conference in Vancouver in June. Natalie joined Professor Doherty in a panel presentation on: ‘Talking Circle: Exploring the intersection between Internationalization, Indigenization, Decolonization and what it means to be Indigenous Serving. Also on the panel were Sarah Child and Kelly Shopland from North Island College in British Columbia, Canada who had recently returned from visiting Aotearoa New Zealand with a group of indigenous Canadian students in May.  

    ENZ’s Natalie Lulia participating in the panel discussion on ‘T Talking Circle: Exploring the intersection between Internationalization, Indigenization, Decolonization and what it means to be Indigenous Serving’ at the British Columbia International Education Week Conference in Vancouver in June.

    Professor Wiremu Doherty, CE of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, delivers his keynote address on Māori education at the British Columbia International Education Week Conference in Vancouver in June.

    Natalie said that it was an honour to have been invited to speak at both events, alongside experts who are the driving forces behind this work within iwi, universities, and government agencies in Aotearoa New Zealand 

    International educators around the world are showing increasing interest in the unique approach we take to international education here in Aotearoa New Zealand. We are seen as a country that is leading the way in indigenous-to-indigenous engagement and internationalisation.  

    These opportunities are not just a chance to share our experiences, but importantly an opportunity to learn from each other. We can learn from indigenous educators, thought leaders and communities here too - this is important in building reciprocal and meaningful partnerships,” said Natalie. 

    Natalie added that “This is a key area that Aotearoa New Zealand can leverage to support student mobility, research collaboration and partnerships with institutions around the globe. ENZ will continue to  work with our education partners, Māori and indigenous communities and use these platforms to share our expertise and ultimately grow indigenous international education for our country”.  

    Upcoming platforms to continue showcasing Aotearoa New Zealand’s approach to indigenous internationalisation will take place at the next Global Inclusion 2024 Annual Conference in Washington DC on 29 October to 1 November.  Then in March 2025, the ENZ North America team will be leading a one-day symposium highlighting indigenous international education at the Forum on Education Abroad conference in Toronto, Canada.  

    If anyone is interested in connecting with the ENZ team in North America to have a chat about this topic or receive further information, please email    

  • NZ Schools Scholarship Programme offers exciting study path for Vietnamese students

    The New Zealand Schools Scholarships (NZSS) is a scholarship programme offered exclusively for Vietnamese students in grades 8 – 10. Since it was first launched in 2019, many young Vietnamese students have studied at New Zealand schools across the country thanks to the support of this Programme. Many of these students have gone on to secure scholarships at prestigious universities in New Zealand and other countries, achieving notable success on their academic paths. 

    Applications for NZSS 2024 were accepted between 22 January to 17 March 2024 and after several screening rounds, 14 NZSS winners were selected. Each scholarship provides a 50% subsidy on the full-year school tuition fees of the first year of study at a New Zealand secondary school.  

    A standout aspect of this year’s programme was the dual-opportunity scheme in which aspiring candidates who did not receive the NZSS were able to be considered for other scholarships offered by New Zealand schools. This saw an additional four students awarded other school scholarships bringing the total number of school scholarship awardees to 18  

    The group of scholarship winners on the stage at the Awards ceremony.

    On 9 June, Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) organised the Awards Ceremony and Pre-Departure Briefing to recognise the scholarship winners as well as provide information in preparation for their journey ahead. Mr. Scott James, New Zealand Consul General in Viet Nam, attended and delivered a welcome remark, in which he emphasised the mutual respect and understanding that New Zealand and Viet Nam’s relationship is built upon.  

    Mr James added that “this scholarship programme signals the New Zealand Government’s continuing commitment to growing the relationship between our two countries.” 

    From left to right, Mr Ben Burrowes. ENZ’s Acting General Manager - International, NZSS Scholarship winner, Ngoc Han, and Mr. Scott James, New Zealand Consul General in Viet Nam.

    Mr. Ben Burrowes, ENZ’s Acting General Manager – International, was also present at the event and awarded the winners a scholarship certificate and offered his congratulations. In his speech he reflected that the first eight months of 2023 saw school enrolments of Vietnamese students increase over that of 2022 to a total of 286.  

    “Given the care that every parent takes when deciding where their children should continue their education, the rebound for school students following the pandemic naturally took a little longer 

    “We know that this number will continue to increase as life resumes its normal pattern, especially as parents look to the future, and what is best for their child’s development and education, said Mr Burrowes.  

    Watch a recap of the NZSS 2024 Awards Ceremony & Pre-departure Briefing event which features the NZSS recipients and guest speakers.

    For the pre-departure briefing, ENZ provided a brief presentation, followed by former NZSS winners, Thuy Truc (2023), Thao Nguyen (2023) and Tuan Minh (2019) sharing their study experiences with the audience. Representatives from the Vietnamese Students Association in New Zealand, Ms. Trang from HHT magazine who joined the New Zealand familiarisation trip in 2023, and Mr. Phu & Ms. Ngoc – parents of students who are currently studying in New Zealand also spoke. 

    Feedback from parents and students received by ENZ after the event was positive, with many commenting on how welcome and proud they felt as scholarship winners. We look forward to welcoming these students to New Zealand very soon!  


  • Networking starts at home

    Space is limited to 50 people so be in quick.

    “Wellington is the only location where all three agent groups will cross-over and be in the same place, at the same time,” says Sarah Gauthier, ENZ Regional Project Manager. 

    “This is your chance to meet and introduce yourself and your institution to 10 highly engaged agencies, without having to leave New Zealand.

    “It will be a matter of first in, first served!

    “It will be a great evening of networking and worthwhile conversations about New Zealand’s unique education experiences.”

    While subject to change, the list of agents includes:

    From Korea:
    • Chongro Overseas Educational Institute (C.O.E.I)

    • DnA Education

    • Ilsan Uhak Centre

    • EDM

    From Saudi Arabia:
    • IDP (Saudi Arabia)

    • Pillars in Bloom

    From Colombia:
    • LAE International Studies

    • Go Study Work and Travel

    • Information Planet

    • New Zealand Option/Australian Option Education

    If you can’t make the Wellington event, fear not. The agents will travel separately across New Zealand on different programmes, which are still in development. We’ll be in touch if we are coming to your region or institution.

    Sarah says one of ENZ’s biggest challenges is to sustainably grow the number of students choosing to study in New Zealand from a broader range of countries, and to see students study in a broader range of our cities and towns. This networking event is part of that endeavour.

    Date: Friday 27 May

    Time: 6:00 – 8:00PM

    Cost: $30.00 pp

    Venue: Shed 5, Queens Wharf, Wellington

    Register here:

  • Marketing development

    Education New Zealand’s international staff network works to raise the profile of the country’s education system in priority markets.

    Team members can support education organisations with a range of activities, including organising media visits, providing introductions to key contacts and carrying out market research.

    On this page:

    International media and key opinion leader visits

    ENZ raises awareness of New Zealand in priority markets by organising or supporting visits from international media and key opinion leaders to different regions, locations and organisations.

    International public relations

    ENZ’s international public relations activities may include helping to launch new programmes, leveraging in-market visits, promoting scholarships and highlighting student successes.

    Introductions and contacts

    Introductions and contacts from ENZ’s domestic and international staff network can help match institutions with recruitment agencies.

    Staff can also assist organisations to connect with:

    • potential partners or customers
    • relevant foreign regulatory agencies and authorities
    • local market or industry experts
    • other specialist external service providers.

    Ministerial and education trade missions

    Education organisations may have opportunities to profile flagship initiatives during ministerial visits and education trade missions, depending on objectives and scheduling.

    In-market support 

    In-market teams can help support education providers by providing information on the market, leading arrangements for ENZ marketing and promotional activities, and facilitating introductions with local stakeholders.

    In-market initial fact finding

    ENZ’s international staff network may be able to help with initial fact verification of foreign partners. They may also be able to refer organisations to in-market third parties if more detailed due diligence is needed.

    Identifying new business opportunities

    International staff may be able to scout for new business opportunities for organisations seeking to develop partnerships or sell products and services.

    Market research

    ENZ sometimes carries out market research for sector groups or consortiums, or for individual organisations investigating high impact and high growth initiatives.

    In-market events and conferences

    Education organisations may be given ENZ help to take part in in-market conferences, seminars and events with external partners.

  • Countdown to conference

    It’s being held at the Viaduct Events Centre in Auckland on Thursday and Friday, 18-19 August. 

    We expect to release the programme and open registrations in the coming weeks.

    In the meantime, here are some key updates on New Zealand’s international education event of the year:

    Help us celebrate 25th anniversary

    2016 marks the 25th year of the New Zealand International Education Conference being held. We’d love you to help us celebrate 25 years of international education networking, sharing and capability development. If you’ve been around in the industry for “a while”, we’d love to hear from you.

    We want to showcase how our industry has grown and changed over the past 25 years. So if you have some interesting memories, stories, records or recollections, please drop us a line. It would be great to feature your memories as part of our 25th celebrations.

    BPO Intelligence comes to the party again

    BPO long

    A big thanks to our Platinum Sponsor, BPO Intelligence, who are sponsoring NZIEC for the third consecutive year. We’re grateful for their support of NZIEC – as well as the support they provide to international education providers across the country.

    BPO Intelligence offers a wide range of services for international education providers. Check out what they offer at and be sure to check out their booth at conference.

    Official media partner

    110913 ThePie MainLogo

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with The PIE (Professionals in International Education) as our official media partner for NZIEC 2016. The PIE team will be exhibiting at and reporting from the conference. If you haven’t already, you can sign up for The PIE News here.  

    Gold and silver sponsors

    We’re pleased to announce that Hotcourses and QS World University Rankings will be joining us at NZIEC 2016 as Gold Sponsors.

    Southern Cross Travel Insurance will feature at NZIEC as a Silver Sponsor.

    Find out more about our sponsors at the conference website and be sure to check out their booths at the conference exhibition hall.


    We have an array of exhibitors confirmed for NZIEC 2016:

    • ASB Bank

    • BPO Intelligence

    • Education New Zealand

    • Hotcourses

    • ICEF

    • MBIE Immigration New Zealand

    • New Zealand Police

    • New Zealand Qualifications Authority

    • PTE Academic

    • QS World University Rankings

    • Schools International Education Business Association (SIEBA)

    • The PIE.

    Stay tuned

    We’ll be releasing the programme and opening registrations for NZIEC in the coming weeks at You can also stay tuned via E-News and LinkedIn.

  • Brazilian science scholarship opening

    Education New Zealand is now working with New Zealand Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (NZITP) on an agreement to include ITPs the SWB programme.

    The inclusion of New Zealand universities in the national call for applications for the SWB Scholarship follows the signing of an agreement between Universities New Zealand and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) which was witnessed by Prime Minister John Key and Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff, during Mr Key’s visit to Brazil in March 2013. 

    The SWB programme aims to send 100,000 Brazilian students on undergraduate “sandwich” courses; PhD “sandwich” courses; full PhD and post doctorates programmes to study science, technology, engineering, mathematics and creative industries at top universities around the world.

    The SWB also offers opportunities to foster relationships between institutions under a Special Visiting Researcher scholarship scheme. This scheme aims to attract recognised international researchers in priority areas set by the SWB programme to conduct projects with Brazilian research groups and visit Brazil for up to three months each year over a period of two to three years. 

    Information and applications for study at New Zealand universities is now available to Brazilian undergraduate and postgraduate students at this link.

  • Schools: roadmap workshop summary

    Download the school sector summary paper.

    ENZ is facilitating the Strategic Roadmap programme to help each sector, and New Zealand’s international education industry overall, to outline what success will look like in the future and develop a plan to get there.

    Everyone, regardless of whether you attended the workshop, is invited and encouraged to read the summary document and send comments, questions or ideas to Greg Scott, Project Manager for the school sector.

    Greg, who has been seconded from Middleton Grange School for this project, says the workshops were designed as the first of many opportunities for schools to provide input into the Strategic Roadmap process.

    “During the workshops, participants reported a wide range of motivations for and benefits from enrolling international students. An exciting array of ideas emerged of what might be possible by 2025 – our roadmap destination – and the workshops demonstrated that our sector has the vision and ideas required to make a significant difference in the next 10 years.”

    Greg says he was particularly impressed by the high level of creative thought: “The ideas put forward by the participants are well worth reading and reflecting on.” 

    Advisory Groups have been formed for each sector to provide advice and feedback to Project Managers and the sector roadmap development team during the roadmap process.  These groups are tasked with representing the views of the sector throughout the process, and will also act as a communications conduit between their sector and project managers.

  • Growth in the outdoors

    The Outdoor Education New Zealand (ODENZ) cluster has been working since 2002 to develop this niche, and enrolments are rising from northern Europe. 

    ODENZ chief executive Ian Reedy says the participating schools from across the country are united by two things: passion for the outdoors, and awareness that joint marketing efforts are the way to go. 

    ODENZ is growing the international outdoor education business through a concerted multi-year campaign, with support funding from Education New Zealand. The aim is to end up a self-sustaining organisation with a regular ‘in-market’ presence in northern Europe.

    In 2012 there were 184 international students recruited to outdoor ed programmes at participating schools. Figures for Term 1 2014 show an encouraging trend, with 20 percent growth against the same time in 2013. This year they come from Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Austria and Luxembourg.

    The aims for 2014 and 2015 are to increase the number of schools in the cluster, and to increase the numbers of students on the ground – or the water, or high on the rockface…

    ODENZ is one of several clusters supported by Education New Zealand. Others include independent schools, faith schools and regional groupings. Email us for more information about our support for clusters.

    For information on the outdoor cluster, email or see

  • Agent inbound tours kickoff in April

    This is the start of the 2013/14 round of agent visits supported with Education New Zealand funding on a regional and niche market basis.

    The programme gives regional and sector groups the opportunity to introduce agents directly to their specific education offering. It follows the inbound agent funding offered to regions in 2013, when nine regions hosted 38 agents from 12 different countries involving 75 institutes and schools.

    This year the programme was altered to require matched funding, so hosting organisations contribute half of the costs. It was also expanded to include speciality groups, such as the MARA scholarship coordinators (and one agent) who will tour the New Zealand universities they send scholars to. 

    Regional groups hosting later in the year include Education Wanganui Export Network, Bay of Plenty, Venture Southland, Grow Wellington, and International Education Manawatu. 

    The list of region/sector groups awarded funding this year is shown on the Education New Zealand website, including the countries the agent groups are coming from. 

    To secure matched funding hosts have set up programmes for agents from priority markets that showcase pathway opportunities and foster alumni networks. They have also developed 12-month forward plans in order to build and maintain effective relationships with the visiting agents. All collaborative regional programmes were supported by the local economic development agency.

What's in it for me?