
Showing 10 of 487 results for group registration

  • Government delegation from South Korea visits New Zealand to reconnect with several of our education providers

    New Zealand and South Korea have strong education links and one unique partnership is the education cooperation under the Korea-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (KNZFTA) which has historically included education programmes for Korean school and tertiary students. 

    The visiting delegation included representatives from the Korea Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), the Korea Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), the Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (EPIS) and Korea Fisheries Resources Agency (FIRA), the implementing agency for the MOF-funded project. 

    The delegation was welcomed to the ENZ Wellington office with a mihi whakatau on their first day. ENZ, Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) colleagues joined together for waiata and kai with our Korean guests.

    Following a welcome and mihi whakatau in Wellington, the group travelled on to Nelson where they visited Te Pūkenga Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) and Nayland College. The visit to Nayland College was an opportunity for the Korean representatives to gain a better understanding of the pastoral care for school students and the unique offerings such as outdoor education and horticulture programmes. 

    Kay Lee, ENZ Senior Market Development Manager – Korea, said it was important for the Korean delegation to experience firsthand the welcoming and safe environment of New Zealand schools to regain confidence in the Schools Visits Programme 

    “After the COVID-19 pandemic, the Korean Government was concerned about sending students, especially younger students, overseas to study particularly on scholarship programmes because parents wanted assurance their children will be well looked after. In the debrief with the Korean representatives, it was clear they gained confidence from speaking to the New Zealand institution representatives around the procedures and systems in place to support students.” 

    “We hope that this renewed confidence will mean that we start seeing Korean government scholarship school students studying in New Zealand again in the near future”. 

    High on the agenda during the delegation’s visit were the School Visits and Tertiary Training Programmes, both of which were affected significantly during the pandemic.  

    From 2016 –2019, the School Visits Programme provided 150 high school scholarships per year for South Korean students from rural areas to attend New Zealand schools for eight weeks. The Korean Government planned to continue the Schools Visits Programme with its own funding in 2020, however, the programme was cancelled due to travel restrictions during the pandemic.   

    An alternative programme was run by MAFRA and MOF from December 2022 which involved short-term English Language Training for school students in Korea with three New Zealand teachers travelling to Korea to teach English (Read about their experience here).The Korean organisers have decided to run the English language programme in Korea again with six New Zealand teachers traveling to Korea to teach English in January 2024. 

    Nayland College demonstrated manaakitanga by welcoming the group to rainy Nelson but provided an Asia Kiwi lunch complete with meat pies and sushi!

    Like the Schools Visits Programme, the pandemic interrupted tertiary programmes and the revised programme ran in January 2023 with short term group programmes. The site visits in November to Te Pūkenga NMIT and Lincoln University provided an opportunity to discuss the institutions’ proposals to host Korean tertiary students in January 2024.  

    Also discussed was the importance of reciprocity and it was noted that Korea is a popular destination for New Zealanders under the Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia (PMSA) scheme. Since 2016, the scheme has awarded scholarships to 196 individuals or groups for study, intern or research programmes in Korea. Lincoln University, in particular, has been successful in facilitating group PMSA programmes focused on agriculture to Korea.  

    Dr Mark Burdass, Aquaculture Programme Coordinator and Tutor, introduces the hands on learning in the aquaculture programme at Te Pūkenga NMIT.

    At the conclusion of their visit, the Korean delegation expressed their gratitude to the institution hosts for making their time in New Zealand memorable and valuable through fruitful discussions. The delegation emphasised the importance of conducting these meetings in person and visiting the campuses to meet with institution staff and academics. The ENZ Manapou ki te Ao team is pleased to continue close cooperation with our Korean education partners to facilitate connections with New Zealand education providers for the education programmes. 

    If you are interested in finding out more about the education initiatives originally outlined in the KNZFTA, you can read about this in a 2016 E-News article here - New opportunities for New Zealand and Korea. 

  • Symposium on offshore delivery, Wellington, Thursday 9 June

    Do you deliver education products and services offshore? Are you considering venturing in to this aspect of international education and want to know more? Then come along to a one-day symposium in Wellington on Thursday 9 June to explore the opportunities, challenges and value offshore delivery presents.

    Jointly hosted by Education New Zealand and Victoria University of Wellington, the symposium will be an opportunity to learn from local and international presenters about their experiences, and engage and share with colleagues in this specialised field. The programme will cover critical success factors, sustainable and collaborative models, quality assurance, explore markets and partners, and consider an online future.

    Offshore delivery is a broad church, and includes the delivery of education through offshore campuses or partners, or via online courses.

    Global opportunities for offshore education delivery abound, and a good number of New Zealand institutions and businesses are committed to developing their offshore ventures, especially in markets and niches where New Zealand is well-regarded. 

    In spite of this, it is estimated that only 3 percent of international students enrolled at New Zealand institutions are offshore, compared to 30 percent for Australia and over 50 percent for the UK.

    If you are interested in coming along to the symposium please contact Business Development Manager Adele Bryant for a programme and registration details at: or phone (04) 830 0810. 

  • Budget update 2013

    Education New Zealand Chief Executive Grant McPherson says the majority of the additional funding will be invested in growing awareness and preference for New Zealand as an international education destination in key markets, promoting New Zealand’s education services and products abroad, and supporting industry-led opportunities for growth.

    Broadly, Education New Zealand will invest the funding in:

    • Broadening and intensifying our marketing activities in tier one and two target markets

    • Offering increased support to New Zealand international education providers and businesses to achieve greater growth.

    • Deepening our engagement with overseas education institutions and governments

    • Increasing the number of New Zealanders studying overseas by establishing new scholarships and encouraging the take up of existing scholarships.

    “In addition to our own efforts, we will also continue to work with other government agencies to capitalise on all-of-government initiatives to market New Zealand internationally – ensuring a New Zealand education is promoted alongside tourism and other trade initiatives.”

    Education New Zealand will continue to update industry throughout the year about where and how these additional resources are being invested, beginning with the release of our Statement of Intent in May. Following this, we will host a series of industry forums around the country to present our new Business Plan, which sets out Education New Zealand’s priorities for the next three years. These will be scheduled for late June/July and registration information will be sent soon.

    Read the Minister’s press release

  • New Interactive Events Calendar

    • filter your search by date range, sector, countries of interest, event type and registration status

    • download the events calendar two ways - by printing to a PDF or exporting to an Excel spreadsheet

    • personalise the calendar by adding your own meetings as part of the wider schedule when downloading the Excel spreadsheet

    • quickly spot new events added to the calendar when it is updated monthly

    • search for events that are organised and run in New Zealand, such as professional development workshops – just select New Zealand as your country of interest when you are in the calendar.

    Click on the 'Events' tab



    Or click 'About events' and then ''click here.'


  • Celebrating our education ties with Thailand

    Students and their families were able to explore a variety of international study options available in New Zealand with 50 New Zealand institutions providing high-quality representation and advice on the New Zealand education offering.

    Ziena Jalil, Education New Zealand Regional Director South – South East Asia, said: “The fact that New Zealand education institutions have visited Thailand every year for 20 years to demonstrate the benefits of studying with them in New Zealand, illustrates our long-term commitment to Thailand and to our Thai partners.”

    “This year’s theme for the fair was “New Experiences, New Ideas” and it was important to have the full range of New Zealand institutions and sectors to show the true spirit of New Zealand where new thinking is celebrated and where there are multiple opportunities.”

    “With more than 3,000 Thai students studying in New Zealand this year, we are already providing high quality education and life-changing experiences for many Thai students” said Ziena.

    Over 400 people attended the fair representing an increase of seven percent from last year, with pre-event publicity including media releases and a media briefing to encourage student registration and boost awareness of the fair.

    The fair was the peak event for New Zealand education in Thailand following our August roadshow to Thai secondary schools in Bangkok, promoting New Zealand study opportunities and particularly English language courses. As part of the roadshows ENZ visited three schools and participated in an exhibition held by a network of Thai public schools offering English language programmes.

    Education New Zealand also takes this opportunity to provide you with a resourcing update for Thailand. Recruitment is well underway for a new Marketing and Strategic Relationships Manager to be based in Bangkok. Sarah Stabler, ENZ’s Lead – Public Relations/Marketing (SSEA) is your contact point for all ENZ activity in Thailand so please contact Sarah if you have any Thailand related queries We wish to thank Gewalin Lertrasameewong, known to most of us as Nan, for her work over the years with ENZ and the former trust. Nan finished with ENZ on Friday 26 September and we wish her all the very best. 


  • $10 million fund to support teaching of Asian languages

    The first call for registration of interest is open from 13 October to 20 November 2014. All state and state-integrated schools can apply for funding under ALLiS.

    The Government wants to increase second language learning for all students. As well as learning our national and official languages (English, Te Reo Māori, and New Zealand Sign Language), and Pasifika languages, New Zealand needs to increase the number of students learning Asian languages to support our growing trade and international relationships with key Asian countries.

    ALLiS will support schools by setting up new, or strengthening existing, Asian language programmes. ALLiS funding is available for up to 90 schools or clusters of schools, with particular emphasis on those that establish language learning pathways from primary through to secondary schools. The fund will encourage greater collaboration amongst schools in partnership with external Asian Language and Cultural organisations. Once the funding ends, programmes are expected to be self-sustaining.

    China, Japan and Korea are amongst our top five trading partners but the number of students learning these languages in our schools is relatively low compared to other international languages. In 2013, only two secondary schools offered Korean, fewer than 40 schools offered Mandarin Chinese, while Japanese was offered by 160 secondary schools.

    For more information on the ALLiS programme and the funding process visit the Ministry of Education website.

  • Added ability for searching New Zealand education organisations

    While there has always been the ability to find education organisations on the site by region and type, users can now also choose to filter organisations by their NZQA assigned provider category.

    Provider categories are either Category 1, 2, 3 or 4 and are reflective of the findings of the institutions most recent External Evaluation and Review.

    The enhancement to the website search function is in response to feedback from the education sector and improves access to information for international students and their agents looking to enrol in courses in New Zealand, as well as students, parents and the public wanting to know more about NZQA-registered tertiary providers.

    The search function is available here and includes descriptions of each of the four provider categories.

  • A taste of New Zealand

    Kicking off on 20 May, proceedings got underway with an invitation-only event, hosted by New Zealand’s Ambassador to the Philippines, David Strachan.

    ENZ engaged a number of successful New Zealand alumni for media interviews and delivered a keynote presentation to a highly engaged crowd at the Glorietta Mall, Makati City venue.


    The ENZ booth was particularly busy over the three days. A number of prospective students came prepared with specific questions, with many focusing on postgraduate study options.

    The Experience NZ event also coincided with the celebration of 50 years of diplomatic ties between New Zealand and the Philippines.

    This event was the latest in a series of in-market ENZ activities in the Philippines. It followed a successful agent seminar in Manila earlier this year.

    A second agent seminar is being held in Cebu on 14 July and is now open for registration.



  • Upcoming events

    Event registrations closing Latin America. Registration for events in Brazil, Colombia and Chile close on Wednesday 27 January. Register now.

    Event changes

    Saudi Arabia: With IECHE 2016 having been cancelled, providers with an interest in this promote market should consider alternative marketing events.

    Upcoming events

    Indonesia. Karmela is getting ready to welcome our institutions to the ENZ Fairs in Surabaya and Jakarta at the end of the month. With promotions only just beginning, we already have a good number of students registered to attend the fairs.

    Saudi Arabia: Education exporters focused on in-market delivery in Saudi Arabia may be interested in attending the Ta’leem 5th International Exhibition and Forum on Education (IEFE) in Riyadh on 12-14 April 2016.

    2016 Event Calendar

    We have brought together a great line up of onshore and offshore events for you to participate in this year. Check out the 2016 Event Calendar for events in your priority markets.

  • NZIEC 2016 nearing capacity

    nziec cmyk horizontal positive 580NZIEC 2016 features 36 breakout sessions over two days. Four breakout sessions are now at capacity and closed to new registrations. Others are nearing capacity.

    Interest in our market Q&A sessions has been so strong we’ve moved these sessions to breakout rooms. These sessions will now feature a slightly longer presentation before opening to your questions.

    Stay tuned to e-news for further updates on conference, including the launch of the conference app in August.

    Book your accommodation and confirm your registration today to avoid missing out on the international education event of the year. Register now at  

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